Information about the basics you need to know to get started with Quoll Writer.
Information about more topics such as importing and exporting. Using the Problem Finder or setting an edit position in a Chapter.
Details about using Editor Mode to work with others to get feedback on your work.
To search for a word or term you can either do:
A find sidebar will then be displayed as shown below:
To find a word or part of a word just enter the word in the find box. A list of matches will then be displayed, grouped by where they were found. For Chapters, each sentence containing the word will be listed, for other items such as Characters will be listed by name. Click on any item to display it.
By default Quoll Writer will expand all results from all Chapters that match the searched for term. If you don't want to expand the result go to the How things look & sound section of the Options panel and change the When I do a find setting, as shown below: