Information about the basics you need to know to get started with Quoll Writer.
Information about more topics such as importing and exporting. Using the Problem Finder or setting an edit position in a Chapter.
Details about using Editor Mode to work with others to get feedback on your work.
When you first use Quoll Writer the following window appears that will guide you through some initial setup and prompt you to create your first project. The first step is to select the language you wish to use for the User Interface.
Next select the language to be used for the spellchecker, you can change this later in the Editing Chapters section of the Options panel.
You can then either create your first Project, import a file or find your existing Projects as shown below:
If you choose to create a Project then you'll see the panel below, just enter the name of the Project and where you would like to save it then press Finish. You'll then be taken to The Project Window where you can start writing your story!